FAIDA SASA - All you need to know about Faida Sasa money making scheme.
It's going viral. Everyone has heard about the new money making scheme Faida Sasa. But what is it? How does it work? Is legit or just a scam in the making? Should we risk our money into this venture? What is Faida sasa? Faida Sasa is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) program where people earn by inviting others. It is all about referrals . The site offers affiliates and members marketing tools that enable them to practice marketing strategies and earn. How does it work? For one to participate, he /she must provide a subscription fee of Ksh. 100 only. Now the 100 that you provide is your training fee but they have made it possible that the company can share its income with you 50/50. You earn as you Learn. You are required to bring at least 5 people to this website who will buy their success system for only KES 100. Which is quite a low cost compared to other MLA schemes of its kind where you pay fees of up to Ksh. 4,500 to ac...